Q: Where can I make my samples?

A: We do not have a user facility for sample preparation. Although we are happy to give advice, users will for the most part be responsible for preparing their own samples. We do have an ion mill that can be used under special arrangements (see Al about this).


Q: I am using the machine and run into a problem. Who do I go to for help?

A: Greg or Al. Don is last resort. Contact information including phone numbers is posted in the lab.


Q: What kind of samples can I study in the TEM?

A: Metals and ceramics, minerals, semiconductors and insulators. We generally do not allow samples that can outgas or contaminate the column. If you're unsure, please ask.

Q: How can I use the TEM?

A: In order to use the electron microscope, users must be trained and approved by either Greg or Al. Training is done by request (at cost to the supervisor) when time permits. Once users are approved, they can use the booking calendar to sign up for time in the morning or afternoon sessions. Approved users can use the instrument on their own. Users can be from academia or industry.


Q: Can I sign up for evening sessions?

A: Only privileged users can sign up for evening sessions. These are people in whose abilities we are sufficiently confident that we can allow after-hours usage.


Q. I have a sample I need to look at but it's probably a one-time thing. What can I do?

A. Unfortunately, not much. We don't have any way to "work for" people so you're probably out of luck.